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freedom in letting go – releasing what no longer serves you

It’s Time to Let Go of What’s Holding You Back

AE #12: The Freedom in Letting Go – Releasing What No Longer Serves You

Holding on can feel like control.

We cling to things—old beliefs, past relationships, outdated habits—thinking they provide security or meaning. But what if those things are the very chains keeping us stuck?

There’s an incredible freedom that comes with letting go. It’s not about giving up—it’s about making space for what truly matters.

Letting Go Isn’t Losing, It’s Liberating

For most of us, letting go feels like a loss.

Whether it’s an old narrative we’ve carried for years, a relationship that’s no longer aligned, or a dream that no longer fits—we’re afraid of what will happen if we release our grip. But here’s the truth: when you let go, you’re not losing—you’re making space for something better.

Letting go is an act of trust.

Trust that something greater is coming. Trust that, without the weight of what’s no longer serving you, you can move more freely toward your true path.

Personal Reflection: What I Had to Let Go Of

There was a time when I thought I had to hold onto everything—the dreams, the people, the expectations. It felt like if I let any of it go, I’d lose my identity or my sense of direction. But I learned that holding on tightly wasn’t giving me control, it was keeping me stuck.

When I finally made the decision to let go of the things that were weighing me down, something shifted. It wasn’t easy—there were moments of doubt, fear, and even grief—but in the end, I found something greater: space. Space for new possibilities, new dreams, and new growth.

The lesson?

Letting go doesn’t mean you’re losing something—it means you’re clearing the path for something even better.

What Are You Holding Onto?

Think about it for a second.

What are you holding onto right now that’s keeping you from moving forward? Is it a belief that no longer serves you? A habit that drains your energy? A relationship that no longer supports your growth?

Letting go doesn’t have to be a drastic, all-at-once decision.

It can start with small steps. But each release, each decision to loosen your grip, opens up a little more space for what’s truly meant for you.

How to Start Letting Go

Letting go is a practice, and like all practices, it gets easier with time. Here’s how you can start the process of releasing what’s holding you back:

  1. Identify What’s No Longer Serving You: Take a moment to reflect on the things you’re clinging to. What are the stories, habits, or relationships that no longer align with who you’re becoming?

  2. Trust the Process: Letting go is an act of trust. Trust that when you release what’s weighing you down, you’ll create space for something new—something that supports your growth.

  3. Focus on What You’re Gaining: Instead of seeing letting go as a loss, focus on the freedom and clarity you’re gaining. Letting go isn’t about giving up—it’s about making space for what matters.

  4. Take Small Steps: You don’t have to let go all at once. Start small. Let go of one limiting belief, one habit, one expectation, and watch how your energy shifts.

Letting Go Creates Space for Growth

When you finally decide to let go, you make room for what’s truly aligned with your purpose and potential. It might be scary at first—it often is—but that space you create will be filled with new possibilities, new opportunities, and a deeper sense of freedom.

The question isn’t What will you lose? It’s What will you gain when you let go?

FREE GUIDE: 30 Days of Self-Discovery

If you’re ready to let go of the old and discover what truly matters, check out my 30 Days of Self-Discovery guide. This month-long journey will help you dig deep, reflect, and release the things that no longer serve you, all while gaining clarity on who you truly are. Start your journey here.

Join the AE Collective

If you’re ready to step into a life of freedom and growth, join the AE Collective. Together, we’ll support each other in letting go of the past and creating space for what’s next.