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Phases of Becoming: Deciding to Step into Your Power

Navigating the Journey to Your True Self with Faith and Trust

AE #7: Phases of Becoming – Deciding to Step into Your Power

We all go through phases in life—moments of growth, transformation, and change. These phases aren’t always easy, but they are necessary.

Each one requires a decision: Will you step into your power, or will you shrink back into your comfort zone?

The Slingshot Effect

There was a time when I thought I had it all figured out. My business was thriving, I felt confident in my abilities, and I was ready for the next level. I had proof—real, tangible evidence—that I was prepared to step into a new chapter of growth and success. But just as I was about to take that leap, doubt crept in.

It started small, just a whisper in the back of my mind. "Are you sure you can handle this?" "What if you fail?" "What if you're not as ready as you think?" These thoughts began to snowball, and before I knew it, I was overthinking every decision, questioning every move. The confidence I once had seemed to evaporate, and in its place was a paralyzing fear of the unknown.

I felt like I was moving backward. Everything that had once felt within reach now seemed distant and unattainable. It was as if the universe was pulling me back, away from the success I was so close to achieving. But what I didn't realize at the time was that this backward pull wasn't a sign of failure—it was a slingshot effect, a moment of tension and resistance that was preparing me for something greater.

In those moments of doubt, I was being stretched, tested, and prepared. The universe was pulling me back, not to push me down, but to launch me forward with greater force and clarity than I had ever imagined. The backward pull was necessary—it was the tension needed to propel me into the next level of my journey.

And when I finally let go of the fear, when I stopped resisting and embraced the process, I was catapulted into a new realm of possibilities. The lessons I learned during that time—the importance of trust, the value of patience, and the power of resilience—became the foundation for my growth. I realized that sometimes, to move forward, we have to be pulled back, to gather momentum and strength for the leap ahead.

Deciding to Step Forward

The truth is, that growth doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process of deciding—again and again—to choose your vision, even when it feels like you’re moving backward.

This is where unwavering faith and trust come in. You have to trust that every setback, every challenge, is part of the journey to becoming who you’re meant to be.

Practical Steps for Stepping into Your Power

  1. Embrace the Phases: Understand that growth comes in phases. Each phase prepares you for the next level.

  2. Unwavering Faith: Trust the process, even when it doesn’t make sense. Faith in your journey is key.

  3. Reaffirm Your Vision: Continuously choose your vision, even when it feels distant. Your commitment is what brings it closer.

  4. Act in the Present: You can’t be the version of your past and future simultaneously. Decide in the present and act accordingly.

Reflect on a phase of your life where you felt pulled back like a slingshot.

How did that phase prepare you for where you are now?

How can you embrace your current phase with faith and trust?

Phases of Becoming

Growth happens in phases, each requiring a decision to step into your power. By embracing the process with unwavering faith and trust, you navigate the journey to becoming your true self.

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